Church History

1892-1904       Rev. Gnanamuthu Yesudian was the priest-in-charge of Tamil Congregation.  He was from CMS Church Missionary Society attached to the Church of England.

1904-1946       Rev. Isaac G. Yesudian, S/o of Rev. Gnanamuthu Yesudian was the priest-in-charge.  He was also a military Chaplin who used to take the Tamil service for military troops.  He was the only “Padri” knowing Tamil language during World War I and II.  He used to invite African Choir during Christmas time.  He was assisted by Lay Leader Mr. Kohlhoff.

1947-1961       Rev. G. Devabushanam was the priest-in-charge.  He was also the military Chaplin who used to take service in Garrison Church, Ghorpuri.  He was taking service also in All Saints Church, Kirkee.  Bishop Rt. Rev. William Lash arranged this setup.

1961-1965       Rev. S. Duraiswamy from the Bombay Diocesan Council was the priest-in-charge.  He was the visiting pastor from Matunga.  He used to come on weekends and take Tamil service on Sunday morning.  These arrangement were done by Bishop Rt. Rev. William Lash of Bombay Diocesan Council as no Tamil priest were available in Pune.

1965-1976       Rev. Canon P. Arthur from the Bombay Diocesan Council was the priest-in-charge of our Church.  He was also the visiting priest who travelled from Byculla on weekend to conduct service in Tamil on Sundays.  He later on took the total responsibility of the Church.  He was given an additional responsibility of taking English Service at St. Paul’s Church, Pune.

1976-1982   A. B. Bhalekar, was priest-in-charge of St. Matthew’s Marathi Church took over the charge of dual responsibility of St. Matthew’s Tamil Church and conducted the service in English. He was assisted by Mr. Canon R. Jacob and lay leader Mr. S. A. Moses.

1982-1991       Rev. P.S. Ranadive was priest-in-charge of St. Matthew’s Marathi Church who took over the charge of St. Matthew’s Tamil Church and conducted the service in English.  He was assisted Deacon S.C. Soundararaj and Rev. Israel Devadass (UBS).

1991-1992       Rev. Mathias M. Ross from Nagerkoil was ordained by Rt. Rev. I. P. Andrews, Bishop of Kolhapur Diocesan Council and became the priest-in-charge of our Church.  During this time, we have conventions in Tamil where guest speakers were invited from South and third day of the convention was a retreat.  Rev. M. M. Ross was given the responsibility of taking services in English at St. Paul’s Church, Pune.

1992-1993       Rev. P. K. Telore was the priest-in-charge of the Tamil Church.  He took care of the service ad was assisted by Lay Leader, Mr. J. Anthreya.

1992-2005       Rev. Kenseelan Azariah from Vellalanvilai, Dist-Tirunelveli was ordained Deacon by Rt. Rev. R. S. Bhandare – Moderator Episcopal Community KDC.  He was given the responsibility of priest-in-charge by Rt. Rev. Claudius – Bishop of Kolhapur Diocesan Council in 1993.  He initiated maintenance of records of Confirmation, Burials, Accounts to be audited by Statutory Auditors.  Registration of Church with Charity Commissioner.  During this period, we also celebrated the 100th Year Anniversary of our Church along with the Marathi congregation.  Rev. Kenseelan Azariah was instrumental in purchase of the parsonase “Mark Homes” in Nagar Road.  He also initiated support to Shelter Homes.  He was also given additional responsibility to take English Service in St. Paul’s Church.

2005-2007       Rev. Dr. Jey J. Kanagaraj from UBS was the priest-incharge from UBS conducted Service during this period and Mr. S. John was assisting him during the Service.

2007-Till Date Rev. S. John from Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu was ordained by Rt. Rev. Vijay Sathe, Bishop of Pune Diocesan Council and he is now the priest-in-charge of St. Matthew’s Tamil Church.  He is also a good carnatic musician and is specialized in bass guitar.

  • We as a Church have started circulating Monthly Newsletter.  We have initiated support to missionaries in Maharastra, Tribal Home Children.  We have also initiated outreach programs and extend support to Shelter Homes for medical aide and educational support.
  • We as of this date still continue to hold Divine Services in Tamil.  Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship.
  • Annual Convention is celebrated in September of every year during Matthew’s Day Celebration.
  • Church Retreat is organized during the first week of October and it is conducted as a one day program outside the church.
  • Harvest Festival is conducted during the second week of November, where members put up the stalls for sale of food, articles or games and raise the fund.  The same fund is used for charity to needy people.
  • Christmas Tree is celebrated and games are conducted for the congregation and Sunday School gives a show depicting the Birth of Christ which is followed by prize distributions and felictation of people who help in all the programs of the church.
  • We celebrate every fourth Sunday as Mission Sunday.  The offerings collected through special covers are used for missionary support.  This was first observed as Free-Order of Service initiated by Rev. Dr. Jey J. Kanagaraj later during the period of Rev. S. John was changed as Mission Sunday.
  • We conduct Lenten services, Palm Sunday service, Maundy Thursday service, Good Friday service, Easter Service, Christmas Service and Watch Night services every year.

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