From Our Presbyter

Dear All,

Yours in His Service
Rev. S. John
Presbyter In-Charge

On behalf of our St. Matthew’s Tamil Church, I greet you in the precious name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Let us together try to learn from the person and work of St. Matthew’s of the Bible.

Matthew appears in the list of 12 apostles of Jesus. He was a tax collector by profession. His father’s name is Alphaeus. The name “Matthew” means “Gift of the Lord.” Matthew also had another name “Levi.” He wrote the Gospel around AD 50. Matthew quotes more than 60 times the Old Testament prophetic passages emphasizing how Christ is the fulfillment of all those promises.

Matthew was a native of Cana. Matthew wrote the Gospel especially for the Jews, he portrays Jesus as the “Messiah” for whom the Jews were waiting for a long time. And he give the genealogy of Jesus to tell the Jews that he is the only hope of their forefathers.

While he was a sinner, the call of God came to him. He then left everything and followed Jesus. He was the richest among the disciples of Christ, but he left everything when Christ called him to follow him. Let us thank God for life and work of St. Matthew and follow Jesus like him!

Matthew preached the Gospel for many years after the ascension of Jesus, traveling throughout the Holy Land and finally meeting a martyr’s death at the hands of Pagans in the land of Ethopia. Even today the verses of his book is a great challenge placed before us; Jesus drew near and said to them, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples; baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.”

Let us surrender ourselves to God to fulfil his great command. May God bless you!

  • Mrs. & Mr. J. Christopher Sathiyaseelan : Jul 4
  • Mrs. & Mr. S. Stalin : Jul 10
  • Mrs. & Mr. Baskaran Chandrasekar : Jul 10
' Happy Anniversary !! '
  • Mrs. & Mr. M. Raviraj : Jun 30
  • Ms. Sharon C: Jul 1
  • Mrs. Jeyaseely K: Jul 2
  • Mr. Cherubin E: Jul 2
  • Ms. Angel B: Jul 3
  • Mr. P. Devadhasan B: Jul 3
  • Mr. Joseph Ravindran B: Jul 4
  • Mr. M. Azariah B: Jul 5
  • Ms. Dorty Joseph B: Jul 5
  • Mrs. Dr. Priya Benazir Vijayan B: Jul 5
  • Mr. Chandran S. B: Jul 7
  • Ms. Judilyn Jayakumar Paul B: Jul 8
  • Mrs. & Mr. Mr. Jeyakumar Jayraj B: Jul 8
  • Mr. Joshua N. Daniel B: Jul 8
  • Mr. Jebastin Samson B: Jul 8
  • Mr. Jaganathan A. Pillai B: Jul 9
  • Mrs. Sumathi J: Jul 10
  • Mrs. Josephine Johnson J: Jul 10
  • Mrs. Merlyn Ranjith J: Jul 13
  • Mr. Kirubakaran J: Jul 13
  • Mr. S. Samraj J: Jul 17
  • Mr. Samuel Baskaran Johnson J: Jul 20
  • Ms. Glory A. Daniel J: Jul 21
  • Ms. P.R. Cipporah Priyadarshini J: Jul 22
  • Mr. Stephen V. J: Jul 23
  • Mr. Antony Raj Israel J: Jul 23
  • Mr. Samuel Jainer J: Jul 24
  • Mr. Jason Samuel J: Jul 25
  • Mrs. Angel Baskar J: Jul 25
  • Ms. Blessy Bestus J: Jul 26
  • Mrs. J. Asha Babu J: Jul 28
  • Mr. John Samuel Daniel J: Jul 30
  • Ms. Ruth Vedamani Das J: Jul 31
  • Mr. Jayakumar Victor J: Jul 31
' Happy Birthday !! '
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